Friday, December 11, 2009

The Toccos

Sophia Jean was born in May and George is now big brother.

EVAN - Company K

You can still catch Evan on One Tree Hill, if you are a good catch, but the big news is Evan is the host of a pilot for a possible documentary series about the Civil War. It has been exciting for all of us. We love the film and hope you will view it.

Evan Kurowski would like to ask your thoughts on 'Brothers In Arms: Company F', a Civil War series pilot he hosted for the History Channel. Directed by Mr. David W. Padrusch of MadRush Pictures.. they filmed for several days in Worcester, MA and Gettysburg, PA. "It truly was an amazing experience to be a part of this project." Please watch and let Evan him know how you like it:
Evan got his motorcycle license just hours before he flew to Gettysburg.

Merry Christmas 2009

Its that time of year again. Life is in fast forward and we crave slow motion.
We have been busy but not too busy to be thinking of you and wishing you a warm happy holiday!
Our new granddaughter was born in May. What a dear. Sophia and George have already had H1N1 but all is well and we are having a big family get together before Christmas at Jaime and Dan's house.